- Overview
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Post-16 Team
- Admissions
- Post-16 Prospectus
- Subjects
- English Language & Literature
- English Literature
- Maths
- Further Maths
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Applied Science (Applied General)
- Art
- Criminology (Applied General)
- Drama & Theatre
- Film Studies
- French
- Geography
- History
- IT (Applied General)
- Law
- Law (Applied General)
- Media Studies
- Music
- Music (Applied General)
- National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services (Applied General)
- Philosophy, Theology, Ethics - Religious Studies
- Photography
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Sport (Applied General)
- Technical Business (Level 3 - Extended Certificate)
- Travel and Tourism (Applied General)
- Hospitality (Level 2)
- Leadership through Sport (Level 2)
- Public Services (Level 2)
- Employability
- Maths and English GCSE Resit
- Student Leadership
- Results & Student Progression
- Trips & Opportunities
- Charity Work
- Our Facilities
- New Build
- Enrichment
- FAQs
- Exams Information
- Year 10 Information Evening
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Post-16 Team
Mrs H Ali |
Assistant Headteacher Post-16 Outcomes and Quality of Education |
Miss C Reid | Head of Year 12 & 13 |
Mrs H Connor |
Assistant Head of Year 12 & 13 |
Mrs C Stockill | Post-16 Pastoral Manager |
Mrs V Sutcliffe | Post-16 Administrator |
Form Tutors
You will be assigned a form tutor who you will meet on a regular basis and who will be there for you to provide further support.
We are all looking forward to meeting you and working with you during your time in the Post-16!
We will monitor your academic progress closely and we are always there to provide any advice, guidance or pastoral support that you might need.
Careers and University Guidance
In addition to the Post-16 team, you will also benefit from expert and independent careers guidance provided through our external consultant. She will give you personalised advice to help you make the best decisions about your future, whether that is in education, employment or training.
Most students in year 13 will progress to University and, starting at the end of year 12, you will be guided through every stage of the UCAS application process.
We are here to support you! |