All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Head Boy and Head Girl


  • Represent the school at events (such as parents evening, helping with productions, extra-curricular and guest tours) 

  • Lead school wide tours for visitors and to answer questions as well as share the school’s vision with visitors. 
  • Speak in front of parents and members of SLT, discussing your experiences and sharing the ideas of students in a formal manner. 
  • Lead Y12 Prefects and Year Group Ambassadors during school wide functions and events 
  • Meet with Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, developing an ethos in Post 16 and the wider school to incorporate our Christian values within school.  
  • Greet important visitors to the school and to help support their visit to the school. 
  • Plan and present assemblies to year groups in school. 
  • Report to SLT/Post 16 Team when required. 
  • Help set up and support charity fundraising events within school, and to support charitable events and projects in school. 
  • Complete a in house mentoring course delivered by the Chaplaincy Team .  

Rohan  and Lucy (Head Boy and Girl 23-24)

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Matthew and Holly (Head Boy and Girl 22-23)


Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl  


  • Support the Head Boy and Head Girl in their roles, lead and represent the student body at school wide functions, such as Open Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, meeting with and talking to adults and students.  
  • Support on school wide tours for visitors and to answer questions as well as share the school’s vision with visitors.  
  • Liaise with the Head Boy and Girl to help organize and plan assemblies across the year groups.  
  • Speak to parents and members of SLT, discussing your experiences and sharing the ideas of students in a formal manner  
  • Help set up and support charity fundraising events within school, and to support charitable events and projects in school. 
  • Develop an ethos in Post 16 and the wider school to incorporate our Christian values within school.  
  • Complete a in house mentoring course delivered by the Chaplaincy Team 

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