- Overview
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Post-16 Team
- Admissions
- Post-16 Prospectus
- Subjects
- English Language & Literature
- English Literature
- Maths
- Further Maths
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Applied Science (Applied General)
- Art
- Criminology (Applied General)
- Drama & Theatre
- Film Studies
- French
- Geography
- History
- IT (Applied General)
- Law
- Law (Applied General)
- Media Studies
- Music
- Music (Applied General)
- National Extended Certificate in Uniformed Protective Services (Applied General)
- Philosophy, Theology, Ethics - Religious Studies
- Photography
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Sport (Applied General)
- Technical Business (Level 3 - Extended Certificate)
- Travel and Tourism (Applied General)
- Hospitality (Level 2)
- Leadership through Sport (Level 2)
- Public Services (Level 2)
- Employability
- Maths and English GCSE Resit
- Student Leadership
- Results & Student Progression
- Trips & Opportunities
- Charity Work
- Our Facilities
- New Build
- Enrichment
- FAQs
- Exams Information
- Year 10 Information Evening
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Why choose this subject?
Want to develop your skills as an artist?
Want to work in a wide range of different styles and media?
Want to explore the work of others and how art has developed through time? Keen to express yourself through art and think ‘outside the box’?
Willing to work hard, even in your own time, and show determination and independence?
Students will be introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of art media, processes and techniques. Students will explore the use of drawing for different purposes, using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales. Students will use sketchbooks to support their work and will explore relevant images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design, from the past and from recent times.
What will you study?
Year 12
- Foundation skills
- Artist/Project research
- Personal Project introduction
Year 13
Personal project
Externally set
How is this course assessed?
The assessment for this course comprises externally set assignments and a synoptic assessment for each component of the A Level. Each component aims to stretch and challenge your abilities and skills to enable you to further develop your portfolio.
Art Intent
Exodus 35:30-33 ‘The Lord chose Bezalel and filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills – to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts.
Students are encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge across a range of different disciplines and media, promoting personalised outcomes students will develop a range of skills in a broad range of media, focus on the use of colour, mark making and printmaking and will develop the use of a sketchbook. Our curriculum fosters confidence, creativity and individual skills students will develop their painting and drawing skills, work in three dimensions, learn about work in mixed media and learn new photography techniques. The curriculum allows students to realise that true creativity is grounded in perseverance and challenges are overcome6.
Through the curriculum Students will nurture academic habits to develop their ability to analyse the work of artists, through study of art history and relevant social context. Students will stretch themselves spiritually, morally and imaginatively through creative investigations, showing character when designing and encouraging exploration through experimentation. Our curriculum allows children to embrace your mistakes as development and persevere towards your final outcome.
We provide a foundation for students to pursue their hopes and aspirations through further education on their own creative journey. Our curriculum explores different pathways in the creative industry and have high aspirations9.
6 Psalm 24:1– ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it’
9 John 10:10 – Jesus said, ‘I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.’
Subject Maps
Curriculum Maps
What next?
An A Level in Art can lead you to university courses and employment in a wide range of careers including graphics, illustration, freelance work, teaching, the media and research.
It will develop a wide range of skills such as independent thought, problem solving, attention to detail, research, communication, team work etc. making it an ideal choice to bridge science and humanities subjects.