All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Extended Project Qualification

Suitable for students studying A Levels and planning to attend competitive Universities and/ or competitive courses. E.g. medicine, dentistry, veterinary, marine biology, computer science etc. GCSE grades 8 and 9’s.

EPQ is an independent research project which involves writing an essay of 5000 words (that's around 10 typed pages), or creating a product, which might be anything from an art object to an iPhone app. As the project evolves, you must complete a production log to record specific stages of the project and this also contributes to your project result. The third component of the project is an oral presentation. It’s worth the same UCAS points as an AS level with an A* grade available. Your project will be submitted in year 13.

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